Sunday, February 24, 2013

Marble's Adventures!

I started this adventure with Blythe dolls because I wanted to remember what I loved about my childhood. Not everyone will enjoy these photos because these dolls may look "strange" to them. Adults do tend to be frighted easily, but not all of us :) There is a say, "Don't grow up! It's a trap!" Here is to those that are still allowing their imagination to run free!


  1. You are so creative! Thank you for sharing your creativity with us. It is truly inspiring. I hope you won't find this weird, but may I ask what program you use to create the Blythe doll series in? I am curious bc it is so life like. Thank you and best wishes to your creative career!

  2. thank you, thank you, thank you. Your photos make me feel so happy and stil child. I will never get caught by this trap, thank you dear Jodie ����������
